Mobile Reading Comprehension

Mobile Content Is Twice as Difficult, is the headline from Jakob Nielsen
"When reading from an iPhone-sized screen, comprehension scores for complex Web content were 48% of desktop monitor scores.User comprehension scores on the Cloze test were 48% of the desktop level when using the iPhone-sized screen. That is, it's roughly twice as hard to understand complicated content when reading on the smaller screen.
Why? In this case, people were reading only a single page of information, and they were shown that page as part of the study without having to find it. Thus, navigation difficulties or other user interface issues cannot explain the increased difficulty. Also, users were tested in a lab, so there were no issues related to walking around with the phone or being disturbed by noises or other environmental events. (In the real world, such distractions and degradations of the user experience further reduce people's ability to understand mobile phone content during true mobile use.)
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