A Shared Culture

I often write here about "open everything" and the openness that is leading to a shared culture.

Below is a video that was made as part of a campaign for Creative Commons that is a good introduction to the ideas behind this concept. I like to use it in presentations to get the concept out there and start conversations.

The filmmaker is Jesse Dylan who also did the Emmy Award-winning “Yes We Can” Barack Obama campaign video collaboration with rapper will.i.am.

It introduces the Creative Commons mission by giving us some of the "thinkers" behind Creative Commons.

Copyleft and the idea of trying to “save the world from failed sharing” through free tools that enable creators to easily make their work available to the public (rather than copyrighting it to prevent sharing) for legal sharing and remix.

In the video, the photos shown are ones offered to the public for use under CC licenses, and the instrumental pieces by Nine Inch Nails used as the video’s soundtrack music are similarly CC-licensed.  (See attribution details)


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