CO11 Free Online Conference Feb 4-6

You are invited to participate at the live online conference on the weekend of Feb 4-6, 2011.

This annual live online conference (CO11) will be of interest to educators, administrators, students, and community members who value the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum to improve instruction and learning. Online learning involves various skills on the part of the instructor and learner. These include social and communication skills, social networking, independent learning strategies, critical and higher order thinking skills, creativity, and effective online and face-to-face facilitation. In addition, there are many challenges that educators, administrators, students and community members face.

The theme of the conference is, connecting online for instruction and learning that goes beyond the classroom. Presenters from around the globe will discuss the following topics:

- Connecting online to improve instruction and learning: Online learning and instructional experiences
- Experiences with the use of technology in face-to-face and online classes. What worked and what didn't work for you?
- How do you use technology to promote your online workshops, consultation, and communities?
- Research conducted on e-learning
- Books written on e-learning



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