Library of Congress 2011 Summer Teacher Institutes

It's getting late - applications are due February 4 - but The Library of Congress is still accepting applications for its 2011 Summer Teacher Institutes in Washington, D.C. The five-day institutes will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

In the institutes, Library of Congress education specialists will instruct participants in the best practices for using primary sources in the K-12 classroom, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library’s Web site. All sessions will expose participants to a wide variety of primary sources from the Library’s collections. Session 4, July 11-15, 2011, will focus specifically on the use of Civil War primary sources. Participants will be able to work with teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:
- Know how to access primary sources from the Library of Congress.
- Become skilled at analyzing primary sources of different formats.
- Learn various teaching strategies for using primary sources in the classroom.
- Be able to successfully facilitate a primary source-based activity with students.
- Gain knowledge of how to use primary sources to enable students to be engaged, think critically and construct knowledge.
- Develop a Primary Source Project Plan that will be implemented in the participant’s instructional setting.

As follow up to the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:
Continue work on their Primary Source Project and share their results with Library staff.
Implement a Primary Source Project Plan in the participant’s instructional setting.
* Have the option of obtaining 3 graduate credits (for a fee) from George Mason University for completing all Summer Teacher Institute requirements.

Sessions will take place on the following dates:
Session 1 - May 23-27, 2011
Session 2 - June 6-10, 2011
Session 3 - June 13-17, 2011
Session 4 - July 11-15, 2011 (Civil War Focus)
Session 5 - July 18-22, 2011
Session 6 - August 1-5, 2011
Session 7 - August 8-12, 2011


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