A Serendipity35 Year in Review 2006

2006 was the first year for this blog. We started out just as an experiment with using open-source blogging software, but quickly I got into writing about educational technology in all its flavors, and Brother Tim got into playing with the software and fine-tuning the performance.

Since February, we have posted 198 entries. And even though we have gotten 123 comments, they are really spread out - only five entries got more than 5 comments:

You've Been Facebooked!  8 comment(s)

Trying out Moodle and Sakai  7 comment(s)

Social Computing (NJEDge.Net Best Practices Showcase)  7 comment(s)

Why serendipity?  6 comment(s)

Heart of Darkness  6 comment(s)

123 comments sounds OK, right? But when you consider that the blog has had 1,615,349 visitors, it sounds pretty weak!

Checking our logs turns up these top visited articles (conferences bring in the visitors, it seems)    

This conference is only online (HigherEd BlogCon 2006)  36,352 visits
Online Socializing: How Are Schools Reacting?  35,370 visits
William Gibson - his blog  28,317 visits
Personal Broadcasting: Podcasting and beyond  28,235 visits
Social Computing (NJEDge.Net Best Practices Showcase)  26,547 visits
Mashing It up in Philly (NEWUG WebCT Regional Conf)  26,134 visits
Hot Issues in Ed Tech at the Campus Technology Conference on Education Technology  26060 visits
What is this thing called Web 2.0?  24,847 visits
Thoughts at the Podcasts, Wikis and Blogs Seminar at NJIT  24,653 visits
Do Professors Enjoy Teaching Online?  24,529 visits

The Search Terms that Found Us in December (we seem to be making big waves)

Top 20 of 819 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1192 37.39% big waves
2 201 6.30% big wave
3 65 2.04% Big Waves
4 43 1.35% serendipity
5 41 1.29% semantic
6 35 1.10% semantic web
7 25 0.78% BIG WAVES
8 23 0.72% kindergarten classroom
9 22 0.69% Big waves
10 19 0.60% white star line
11 17 0.53% [KEYWORD]
12 16 0.50% a big wave
13 15 0.47% college blogs
14 13 0.41% how many people search itunes through google
15 12 0.38% how to download video from youtube blogs
16 11 0.35% facebook
17 10 0.31% big wave pictures
18 10 0.31% njit wiki
19 9 0.28% big waves pictures
20 9 0.28% download love in the time of cholera

     We have readers in over 80 countries!

Top 30 of 87 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 54777 45.96% 47881 48.23% 418582 37.22% US Commercial
2 26390 22.14% 22490 22.65% 266675 23.71% Network
3 16242 13.63% 12209 12.30% 205244 18.25% Unresolved/Unknown
4 10838 9.09% 7164 7.22% 99068 8.81% US Educational
5 1707 1.43% 1378 1.39% 18306 1.63% Australia
6 616 0.52% 608 0.61% 5302 0.47% Brazil
7 614 0.52% 85 0.09% 989 0.09% Sweden
8 590 0.50% 547 0.55% 6969 0.62% United Kingdom
9 567 0.48% 547 0.55% 9110 0.81% Non-Profit Organization
10 488 0.41% 433 0.44% 6121 0.54% Canada
11 447 0.38% 420 0.42% 7325 0.65% Germany
12 445 0.37% 442 0.45% 12413 1.10% United Arab Emirates
13 430 0.36% 394 0.40% 5947 0.53% United States
14 418 0.35% 411 0.41% 4006 0.36% India
15 370 0.31% 359 0.36% 3605 0.32% Japan
16 343 0.29% 330 0.33% 5575 0.50% Netherlands
17 301 0.25% 291 0.29% 4831 0.43% France
18 239 0.20% 150 0.15% 2521 0.22% Russian Federation
19 238 0.20% 231 0.23% 3334 0.30% Portugal
20 188 0.16% 184 0.19% 1560 0.14% Argentina
21 177 0.15% 176 0.18% 1827 0.16% Poland
22 171 0.14% 161 0.16% 1400 0.12% Israel
23 170 0.14% 162 0.16% 1592 0.14% Italy
24 167 0.14% 158 0.16% 2119 0.19% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
25 154 0.13% 151 0.15% 1413 0.13% Mexico
26 150 0.13% 144 0.15% 2260 0.20% Switzerland
27 141 0.12% 118 0.12% 4112 0.37% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
28 123 0.10% 110 0.11% 2050 0.18% Czech Republic
29 120 0.10% 107 0.11% 994 0.09% Singapore
30 119 0.10% 106 0.11% 1416 0.13% Belgium


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