Free eBooks Available on iTunes U

It looks like most of the books were already available for free elsewhere, but I think it's significant that some open eTextbooks are now being offered on Apple's  iTunes U.

Using iTunes and the iTunes U part of the store is certainly more mainstream than many of the other free book sites. If it opens up teachers and students to open-education books - including textbooks - that is a good thing. If it makes more institutions familiar with a way to share their resources openly, that is also a good thing.

Oxford, Rice, and the Open University are three institutions that Apple announced have added digital books to the lectures and other materials they already make available there.

The Oxford e-books includes Shakespeare’s entire First Folio. Open University has 100 interactive books and plans to double that by year's end.

Rice already had titles available at the Connexions site which host a lot of open textbooks. Rice put some of the most popular textbooks from there into iTunes U.


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