Flipboard: Your Social Magazine?

Billed as "the world's first social magazine," Flipboard is a free app that allows you to flip through news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook and Twitter in a "magazine" layout.

I heard about it and watched the video (see below). I put the app on my iPad but I can't add Twitter and Facebook until I get an "invite" from the company. (I'm not a big fan of beta teasers that require invites.)

Is it something we need? Will you discover fresh content using it? Will it make some people more comfortable by using the familiar layout of print media to view social media?

You don't scroll through lists of posts and links and you wouldn't have to switch between Twitter and Facebook (and other sites eventually).

Can it become YOUR own personalized social magazine? The idea of a home page for your social graph that brings it together in a more enjoyable way than a list or RSS feeds has some appeal.

I'll let you know - when I get my invite...


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