Ning Mini for Educators

A lot of educators - myself included - were disappointed when Ning announced the end of free accounts that allowed you to create your own social network site. It was one of the easier ways to get your educational institution, group or class online in a social setting.

So, educators should be pleased to know about Ning Mini for Educators. Ning is teaming up with the education and technology company Pearson as an exclusive Ning Sponsor Partner. Pearson will make Ning Mini free for eligible North American K-12 and Higher-Ed Ning Networks.

You can add up to 150 members, and enhance your classroom with blogs, forums and photos. Many Ning networks are for educators connecting with other educators. They can facilitate learning in a classroom, but also best practices, educator-to-educator collaboration, or even parental support.

Participating Ning Networks are invited to apply for sponsorship. Participating Ning Networks will include “Brought to you by Pearson” on the top navigation bar of the Ning Network and a Pearson member profile to allow verification of private Ning Networks.

To sign Up for a Pearson sponsored Ning Mini, you'll need to answer some basic questions:

What is the name of the educational focus or institution associated with this Ning Network?
What is your main role in the education community or institution noted earlier?
Where in North America is this community or institution located?
Which of the following most accurately describes the main role of most members in your Ning Network?
Which of the following most accurately describes the main student group that is the focus of your Ning Network?
What is the primary goal(s) of your network?

I don't know how deep the Pearson connection will go, but, as a business, they will certainly hope to see users connect into their eBooks and online resources.


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