Transparency (or the lack thereof)

transparencyLooking through the posts to this blog, I realized that I have used the term "transparency" in one sense or another a number of times.

Transparency is a term that gets more and more attention these days in many fields. In one instance I was thinking of writing about it in the context of how companies operate, and in another post I was thinking about it in education.

Transparency, in those two domains, concerns openness, communication, and accountability. It is the metaphorical extension of the "true" meaning that we learned about a "transparent" object being one that can be seen through.

For a business, transparent procedures would include open meetings, financial disclosure statements, freedom of information (some legislated by the government), budgetary review, audits, etc.

Transparency requires policies, practices and procedures that allow it to be available to users/clients/students.

And I'm sure there will be more to come...


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