The Crisis in Haiti - Web Program February 19

I received this information from Heather Weisse Walsh, the MAGPI Manager of Educational Services, about a worthwhile videoconference and webcast.

THE CRISIS IN HAITI: What can you do to help? Students around the world respond
Date: Friday, February 19, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST
Audience: K12 Students, University and College Students, Non-Profit and Cultural Institutions

The earthquake in Haiti shattered lives, devastating a country - and the world responded. Most importantly, youth responded in innovative and amazing ways. Join schools around the world for this groundbreaking international videoconference and webcast to hear what youth are doing to help the victims of the Haiti earthquake. You'll also hear from aid organizations who are continually responding to the tragedy and experts that will help students understand the event.

Join us for this groundbreaking event and GET INVOLVED. We encourage you to stream the program in your school, collect change and donations, and donate to one of the aid organizations participating in the program. Or simply tune in and be inspired by what others are doing and then create your own project.

If you're already involved in a project, let us know through Twitter at   and add the tag #kidshelphaiti to your post. Send us a link to your blog entry or add your photos to our online album. We will randomly select tweeters to receive some fantastic giveaways from our sponsors. The more you tweet, the better your chances are of being selected for a giveaway!

If your school has a blog, we would love for your students to be live bloggers during the event. Simply send an email to to let us know you're interested in live blogging. We'll post a link to your blog on this site and post brief bio information about all our featured bloggers! (You'll also get mentions and links on Twitter as the event is in progress!). Every live blog entry entitles you to a chance to win a giveaway, too.

Add your photos to our online album! We’ve created an album on Google’s Picasa called “Kids Help Haiti.” You can view the album at If you have photos to contribute (and we’d love to have them!), please email and asked to be added as an album contributor. You’ll then be able to email your photos to the online, public album. Won’t it be cool to see all of the images emerge on the album map and see what students everywhere are doing to help?

More Information: Webstream URL:
How to Connect to the Webstream: To view the webstream, you must have Real Player installed on your computer (version 8 or higher). Please see technical requirements and testing information on the program webpage. For technical support, please contact
Heather's K-20 Interactions blog


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