Free CRSTE CyberConference 2010

Free registration is now open for the CRSTE CyberConference 2010. It is their first online event free to educators promoting the exchange of ideas and opportunities for collaboration across the CRSTE region and beyond. No registration fees. No travel.

Each evening from between February 21 – March 5, 2010 you can attend any and all sessions of interest to you. (They will also be archived online.) The C3 – CRSTE Cyber Conference 2010 doesn't require you to be from the mid-Atlantic region (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, DC, West Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, and Delaware) to participate in this conference.

The conference includes both asynchronous and synchronous events that allow chat and interaction during the live sessions.

Download the conference schedule (PDF)

Register for the conference (check off the sessions you are interested in)


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