Learning Resources 2009
I was reading Jane Hart's "Review of 2009: 100 great resources" post on her C4LPT (Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies) site today and was surprised (and pleased!) to see one of my Serendipity35 posts on the list.
Jane Hart is a Social Learning Consultant in the UK and Founder of C4LPT, which is one of the world's most-visited learning sites (8,000+ unique visitors a day).
Jane linked to my post on "Blogging As Pedagogic Practice" which was for a presentation I did to kick off 2009. She did a reources review at the end of last year listing 100 resources she enjoyed using during the year. It was popular, so she did it again this year. The month-by-month resources include articles, postings, PDFs, presentations, and videos about learning tools or technologies for the workplace and academia.
She put all 100 titles into Wordle and made a word cloud that identifies trends in these resources. (full size image to see all items)

Compare this word cloud to the one she created in 2008 and you'll see some trends have grown (like social, business, performance, community and Twitter), some have shrunk (e-learning, learning, blogging) and some new items have appeared (Wave).
Also check out the slideshow of her top learning tools for the year.
Jane Hart is a Social Learning Consultant in the UK and Founder of C4LPT, which is one of the world's most-visited learning sites (8,000+ unique visitors a day).
Jane linked to my post on "Blogging As Pedagogic Practice" which was for a presentation I did to kick off 2009. She did a reources review at the end of last year listing 100 resources she enjoyed using during the year. It was popular, so she did it again this year. The month-by-month resources include articles, postings, PDFs, presentations, and videos about learning tools or technologies for the workplace and academia.
She put all 100 titles into Wordle and made a word cloud that identifies trends in these resources. (full size image to see all items)

Compare this word cloud to the one she created in 2008 and you'll see some trends have grown (like social, business, performance, community and Twitter), some have shrunk (e-learning, learning, blogging) and some new items have appeared (Wave).
Also check out the slideshow of her top learning tools for the year.
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