THANKS[for]GIVING Me Such a Tribute!

If we had blogged in Babylonia, we probably would have gotten this treatment too.
Want to make someone feel special for the holidays? How about a web tribute?

Take a look at this tribute to my blog buddy Tim.

Did you click the link? Pretty impressive, huh? Kind words, some animation, even the music added. Geez, I even bought a domain address for the guy.

OK, so this kind of tribute will go over a lot better with friends who aren't so tech savvy as Tim.

All I had to do was go to to the existing site and change the url to be his name.

That is, if you go to and change the url to something like then it becomes a tribute to ME.

The home for this all is and they also have other versions including a love one that you can persoanlize with a message if you kick a $1.50 donation to the site. Personally, I'll take the "mighty" version for my own tribute - must be some ancestral neurons that are fired up by that music.

Your name in pixels...


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