Suggest Readings On Designing For Social Media

I asked last April for readers to contribute to a presentation that I was prepping for a conference and I created a web page at which was set to expire (dispose of itself) after a pre-set amount of time. Basically, I crowdsourced some of my research.

You can read that earlier post and see that it was fairly successful. There were 19 revisions made to the page which is not overwhelming but they were good responses and there was no vandalism or spamming.

One of my projects for spring 2010 is creating a new course for summer session. It is an online graduate course for the Professional and Technical Communication program at NJIT called "Designing for Social Media."

The target audience includes grad students majoring in PTC, management, communications, media, IT and design. The course will look at how organizations can use social media as communication tools for marketing, education & training and community building.

Picking a "textbook" and readings in social media is tough because it is changing so fast that it will be very challenging to stay current. I'm not planning on one textbook, but rather I plan on having each student select a book that seems relevant to their interest in social media.

Once again, I am going to try some crowdsourcing...

I have set up another "disposable webpage" on the topic "Designing For Social Media Readings." I am inviting you to participate by contributing books on social media that you think would be appropriate readings for the course.

All you have to do is go to the page at and click the EDIT tab at the top. The Editor Key (password) is social

Please identify yourself, even if it's a pseudonym. Add your suggested book title & author to the list. If you have a few extra moments, please add a line or two about the focus of the book.

Your contributions are much appreciated. (If the whole web page experience is too much to deal with, leave the book/author as a comment here.)

NOTE that my disposable page is time sensitive and will only exist until and then it will - poof - disappear.


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