Five K-12 Technology Trends for 2010

Five K-12 Technology Trends for 2010 from

1. eBooks Will Continue to Proliferate - eBook readers aren't going to replace traditional anytime soon, but the devices will gain traction in K-12 next year.

2. Netbook Functionality Will Grow - One-to-one computer initiatives + netbooks under $300 + free cloud services and the possibility of a Google Chrome OS, all point to netbooks gaing wider acceptance. They might even replace those e-book readers.

3. More Teachers Will Use Interactive Whiteboards "These have been around for a while, but the educational landscape wasn't ready to use them 10 years ago." (Though I agree with Barry's experience that they more often change classrooms to even more teacher-centered instruction and bigger screens for powerpoints.)

4. Personal Devices Will Infiltrate the Classroom - I would be surprised if devices that are often barred from the classroom (as "security risks" and "distractions") like smart phones and iPods make their way into the K-12 or college classrooms in any big way next year. Though there's little doubt that computing is moving in that direction, education moves slowly into technology.

5. Technology Will Enable Tailored Curricula - Seeking an easier, tech-based way to assess, record and track individual student performance, technology could be a larger part of a solution to tracking a child's progression through grades and help apply individual curriculum to more students.


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