Jotspot and Google

The Google online "office" package that they seem to be assembling recently added the wiki-based company Jotspot.

There had been rumors that Yahoo! was also interested in purchasing Jospot. The new website is at You can't see much at this point while they are moving over to Google's servers.

Wikis only support basic text, JotSpot's wiki allowed you to create spreadsheets, calendars, documents and photo galleries. It seems to have been basically like using a word processor, so (like other wikis) you don't need to know HTML.

It wasn't a service that I had explored in any depth since there were other free wiki tools available.

So the purchase at first seemed a bit odd to me since the things that Jotspot offers (other than the wiki part) are things that Google already offers. So why buy them out?

It might be that in this path that Google is on to create a kind of online suite to compete with Microsoft Office, they needed a project management tool and Jotspot might fit the bill.

Jotspot adds to existing Google products like Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google Apps for Your Domain and Google Groups. Since they now have collaborative writing tools and spreadsheets, a web conferencing company might be Google's next tool target.

More on this at the Jotspot blog and on Google's blog.


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