Keep the Arts in Public Schools

Here's an example of some social networking via Facebook that is not about getting together for drinks after class.

Using the Facebook "Causes" application, many groups create places to rally support, disseminate information and even collect contributions. The one that I received recently is advocacy for keeping the arts in public schools. I did a search within Facebook for "keep the arts" and it turned up 500+ hits, so it's not all fun and games in social networks.

The group contacted members asking: What are the Top Five ways you believe Keep the Arts In Public Schools could begin to be effective beyond being a cause on Facebook? For example, they are reaching out to Americans for the Arts and making requests for support in the form of resources to expand their impact on their behalf.

They also provided links to resources so that you can advocate for the cause (Facebook user or not)

"The Reluctant Leader" by Victoria Saunders 
"10 Ways to Improve Arts Education for All Students in Your Community" by Victoria Saunders and John Abodeely 
"15 Ways to Expand Your Reach through Social Media" by MacEwen Patterson (MacEwen is the Facebook group administrator)



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