The Twitter Hype Cycle and Educators

I did not even knew that there was a "hype cycle" but the folks at Gartner ("the world's leading information technology research and advisory company") have created one as way to look at a technology's maturity through the life cycle.
They are looking at the typical progression of an emerging technology, and it seems to go from some over-enthusiasm and through a period of disillusionment until there is an understanding of the technology's relevance and finally a role in a market or domain.
In looking at Twitter, using their hype cycle, the application is headed into the "Trough of Disillusionment." (Reminds me of Pilgrim's Progress and the Slough of Despond)
The educational world is still scratching its head about Twitter just as a social tool, and is generally baffled about it's use in courses.
From Social Media in Learning and other places, here are resources that look at possible educational use of Twitter:
- 25 Twitter projects for the college classroom,, 10 August 2009
- More than just passing notes in class: Reflections on the Twitter-enabled backchannel, Tony McNeill, 10 June 2009
- 50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom
- What about Twittories? Twittories are stories composed by tweeting students
- 25 ways to teach with Twitter, Sonja Cole, Tech&Learning, 4 June 2009
- How one teacher uses Twitter in the classroom, Marshall Kirkpatrick, ReadWriteWeb, 1 June 2009
- Twitter in education: how and why, David Hopkins, 12 May 2009
- 23 interesting ways to use Twitter in the classroom, a presentation
- Twitter as a Learning Tool. Really, Pat Galagan, ASTD, March 2009
- 9 great reasons why teachers should use Twitter, Laura Walker, 29 March 2009
- Educational tool: Twitter, Chris Landreth, 26 February 2009
- A Teacher's Guide to Twitter, Kate Klingensmith, Once A Teacher, 18 February 2009
There is more on the hype cycle at
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