Facebook and Education

I can't imagine that any majority of educators - even those who are actual Facebook users - would say that Facebook is a "learning platform." Still, in the Educause report "7 Things You should Know About Facebook," they say that:

“Facebook’s structure encour­ages users to view relationships in a broad context of learning, even as affiliations change—from high school to college to gradu­ate school to the workplace. By opening itself to virtually anyone, Facebook has become a model for how communities—of learn­ers, of workers, of any group with a common interest—can come together, define standards for interaction, and collaboratively cre­ate an environment that suits the needs of the members.”

And, I came across a page from the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) lists tools (a few below) as ones Facebook has to offer online learning. Is your school looking at or using any Facebook tools or Facebook itself for learning? I know of schools using it for promotion, but learning...

    BookTag: This app offers a great way to share and loan books out to students, plus create helpful quizzes for studying.
    Webinaria Screencast Recorder: Record a video for students, and share it with this application.
    SlideShare: Create presentations to send to students with this slideshow application.
    Teach the People: Teach the People is an educational platform that uses Facebook.
    Dojo Learning: Dojo Learning offers a great way to learn and create resources for learning on Facebook.
    Learn: In this community app, you’ll find Addictive Learning.
    KnowledgeBook: KnowledgeBook allows you to find and share skills and knowledge on Facebook.
    Podclass: Podclass offers a course management system from within Facebook.
    Teach and Learn: Teach and Learn offers a 3D learning space on Facebook.

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