Address Correction Requested
If you fired up your browser (or newsreader) to read the latest in Serendipity35's offerings in the world of Ken and Tim's Excellent Adventure, you might have noticed that the address of the blog has changed. Don't Panic, you are still in the same place you've always been; it just has a new address.
When Serendipity35 first came online in February, 2006 it was as a sidebar to a presentation in which Ken and I participated. As the blog (and readership) grew, the server that the blog was hosted on ( became far more busy hosting the blog than it was designed to be --the devel in meant development and it was designed (by me) to function as a testing ground for the good, the bad and the ugly software packages that I was working on. Last September Serendipity35 was moved to a production server at NJIT that had plenty of horsepower to drive the expanding blog. Two other problems remained, though, and one of those problems was all of the devel2/serendipity links that existed on the internet, the other problem was that the blog was no longer a single function of the NJIT environment --Ken had moved on to a writing position at Passaic Community College. I think we've, at last, solved both problems.
In December I installed a new high-powered server on my own private network (South Monmouth Software Design) and began the slow transition of the Serendipity35 material from the NJIT host machines to the domain. After a LOT of testing, head-scratching, editing and (some) swearing, the site was ready to launch this morning.
Almost everything about the site is identical to though we have added Google AdSense advertisements to the sidebar. The advertisements are content-relevant and non-intrusive to the subject matter of posts, but since this is now a wholly privately funded blog, a few clicks on the advertisements from our gracious readers from time-to-time will help us keep the lights on at Enlightenment can be difficult in the dark.
During the time we developed and hosted this blog at NJIT, NJIT never once attempted to edit, censor or influence our content in any way and for that I am, of course, grateful.
If you still have the old or the bookmarks in your browser or newsreader, those addresses will continue to work. You'll be sent to, automatically.
Here is to hoping that everyone will find this transition to be as seamless as I find it to be exciting.
Of course, all of your comments, brickbats, bouquets and bug reports, are still welcome as well
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