Tell Your Story In 30 Slides

Passing along this from Slideshare. It sounds like an interesting class assignment even if you don't care about the contest aspect. Since storytelling is already pretty popular at SlideShare, it seems a good fit.

Tell Us A Story in 30 Slides - The weather is heating up, schools are letting out and it's time for a sizzling summer contest. Presentations are a great medium for storytelling, allowing you to mashup words and pictures, and storytelling is pretty popular at SlideShare, so we are proud to be co-hosting this summer contest with our friends at Fuze Meeting. They have a great new online meeting service that allows you to present your content online in beautiful HD quality.
Your entry to the contest can be about anything. A story about you, your travels, or something you love. Just tell it with words and pictures and in 30 slides. Everyone who enters the contest gets a free Fuze Meeting account ($270 value). More on how to enter contest here. Also check out this article about how to build community using Slideshare.
Fuze Meeting & SlideShare "Tell A Story" Contest


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