What Kind of Tech User Are You?

Is Facebook your window to your social world? Is your mobile device the last thing you put aside before shutting the light out at night? Or does the deluge of digital information leave you flat and the ring of your cell phone leave you cranky?

The Pew Internet and American Life Project has a survey online that will place you in one of their Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users. (The group had previously done a similar typology of tech users incorporating
attitudes towards the mobile web and released the report (The Mobile Difference.)

You can take the 14 question online quiz and find out which of their 10 types is closest to your behaviors.

According to them, I am a "Digital Collaborator."

You use information technology to work with and share your creations with others. You are enthusiastic about how ICTs help you connect with others and confident in your ability to manage digital devices and information. For you, the digital commons can be a camp, a lab, or a theater group -- places to gather with others to develop something new.
You can also answer their survey on What Are You Doing Online and explore their data. For example, an April 2009 survey found that the number of online adults who have used online classified ads has more than doubled in the past four years. Almost half (49%) of internet users say they have ever used online classified sites, compared with 22% of online adults who had done so in 2005. On any given day about a tenth of internet users (9%) visit online classified sites, up from 4% in 2005. The study points to the growing importance of such sites to internet users and reflect the changes in the audience for classified ads  --both those who place them and those who make purchases-- that have devastated a key revenue source for traditional newspapers.


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