Apple: "It's Showtime!"

It was news last week, so now it's time to think about how Apple's announcement will affect us as consumers and viewers. Apple not only wants your mobile music business, it wants your movie and TV business for the family room.

  • Apple introduced a service to download movies from the Internet and showed off a set-top box (code name iTV) that streams digital music, photos and movies from computers to television sets ($299 early next year)
  • ITV is about the size of a portable CD player, it connects to other living room electronic equipment and streams over the home's wireless Internet network
  • it will stream your photos, music and video from the computer to the television
  • download content from iTunes use on my computer,
  • my iPod
  • and the big-screen television that I don't have in my living room
  • The iPod commands 75 percent of the MP3 player market share
  • Apple's iTunes online music store is No. 1 in all 21 countries where it's available
  • Apple is till #5 in total music sales behind Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, and
  • Apple's Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Disney earlier this year and now sits on Disney's board of directors.
  • Amazon unveiled a service several days before Apple's announcement and Movielink, CinemaNow and others offer movie and television show downloads.
  • Apple will not offer the ability to burn the movie onto a DVD or simply rent it.
  • Last year Apple launched television show downloads with only Disney as a partner, but since then they've had 45 million downloads from iTunes from 220 programs from 40 networks.


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