Text eLearn for Education

Beginning this week, the Adult Education initiative at NJIT will supply undergraduate and graduate class information and course offerings using text messaging to cell phones and SMS capable devices.  Need to burnish that resume in this chaotic economic climate?  Need to find a program that will let you finish an undergraduate degree that is tailored for working adults?  Need to enhance some graduate classes by organizing them into a graduate certificate?  Don't spend hours that you don't have searching through schools and programs looking for that combination of instruction that will broaden your learning horizon.  Simply send  message to 35350 (a  number to be listed on the adultlearner.njit.edu website) and you can get a phone call from a customer service representative armed with the answers to the questions you might have.

Don't have time for yet-another-phone-call?  Simply browse to the adultlearner mobile page, enter your phone number, check off the programs (present or future) that interest you, and details of those programs will be sent via text to your phone or e-mailed to you so you can consider them during your ever-diminishing leisure time.  If you decide that the track is not for you, text QUIT to the service, and your SMS door will not be darkened again.

Once you sign up and as the programs offered change, you can be notified immediately of  updates, changes and enhancements to the offered programs.  If you register for one of the offered courses, you can even study the class materials in the micro online environment.  Classes (and  entire graduate certificate programs), offered in Moodle will require only a mobile browser (and the usual hard work and study) to complete the entire curriculum.  If eye-strain isn't a concern or problem, the mobile nature of the information and courses allow complete portability of the learning environment and the virtual classroom merges into our personal living space wherever we define it.

One of the first class exercises in the iPhone Development course I teach was the development of a web app that accessed this blog in a mobile device format, so if the information you seek isn't inside of a degree-oriented curriculum, you can still read Serendipity35.

And, who knows, once in a while, you might even make a telephone call.


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