Capture and Share Your Screen Content

Quick post on JING which is not new, but that I have been using with more frequency lately. It is a service that allows you to instantly capture screen images and video from your desktop and share them to anywhere. It is a free download for Mac or Windows, but there is also a premium version for $15 a year.

You may already be familiar with some of Techsmith's better known products - they are used widely in education. SnagIt does screen captures and Camtasia allows you to make video screen captures and more.

The Jing Project Blog let's you ask questions, give user feedback and share how you use Jing.

There's a relationship here with which is TechSmith's media hosting solution that Jing actually uses to host your content.  With a free account, you get 2 GB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth per month.

When users capture a screenshot or create a screen recording of what they see on their computer screen using Jing, it is encoded in real time to Screencast and within seconds, a link to the captured content is sent to the user's clipboard to share. Then, that link can be sent via IM, Twitter or email, posted on forums, shared on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook or any web page. When the link is clicked, the viewer sees the Jing-captured image or video immediately. That end user doesn't need to have Jing installed.

View a short, narrated screencast overview of Jing and Jing Pro.


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