is a wiki that has collected screencasts (screen captures with motion) for math teachers and students. Some are math tutorials, some are problem solutions. It is a good example of the read/write web as it offers teachers a way share methods for teaching as well as learn from others.

A good number of the links I previewed came from the site like this "Bouncing Spring Problem", and there are even problems from a specific textbook like Calculus Concepts and Applications.

The grade levels range from K to pre-college and some college level math. It's the kind of project you'd like to see more of in higher ed and seems like it would be a good thing to come from publishers whether or not you use their specific textbook. I realize as I type that last sentence that it is more likely to come from teachers than from publishers, and from K-12 than colleges - but prove me wrong... send me links to sites if you know of them in math or any area.

Most of these were done with a graphics tablet or tablet PC using a screen capture program such as Camtasia.


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