Tell Google What To Do

Companies seem to be increasingly asking customers to participate in developing products. This social networking on the corporate level might have to do with adding new features to an established product, or having customers vote to see what areas they want developed.

I have been a big Google products user (perhaps borderline fanboy) and consider myself part of that group of people who think that working for Google would be pretty cool.

So, when I read that they were reaching out to their users for feedback, I thought it might be my chance to connect.

It's Crowdsourcing 101 that they are turning over some of their research & development to the users. (Other tech companies, like Dell, are doing it too).

Via the new Google Product Ideas, you can suggest things you'd like to see Google build, and vote on ideas that others have proposed. 

Unfortunately, for me, they are looking for ideas about Google Mobile and not only don't I know much about mobile products, but I don't care. For right now, Google Products is only interested in mobile development. But, there's hope - according to a this FAQ:

"We love that you have thoughts about our other products! Currently, we're in the process of rolling out Product Ideas pages for other Google Products, so stay tuned more information."

Also according to those FAQs,if I post an idea and Google uses it (wait for it) "we may give you a shout out on our Product Ideas blog, but we won't be compensating users for their ideas."

Oh, well. So much for my visit to the Googleplex...

Anyway, to make believe that you are part of the Google R&D team: go to and sign in with your Google account (or sign up for one) and give them your best stuff.

Geez, not even a t-shirt?


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