Even Shakespeare Goes Open Source

William Shakespeare is probably the original open source author online. People have been putting up Shakespeare Websites since the beginning of the Web since his work is public domain and always in demand. If Open Source Shakespeare was just another collection of the bard's works, I wouldn't bother to blog about it. OSS is a free site containing Shakespeare's complete works, but it is also trying to be more.

With an intended audience of "scholars, thespians, and Shakespeare lovers of every kind" it is built around openness. OSS does include the 1864 Globe Edition of the complete works (the definitive single-volume Shakespeare edition for over a half-century).

There are some subscription-only sites at libraries or research institutions that offer more features, but OSS allows you to also have an advanced search function, read the plays, and look up words in the concordance.

There are also some classroom-ready features. For example, if you want to have students compare two Shakespeare sonnets, you can select any two of the poems and see them side-by-side.

Tip o' the hat to Mary Zedeck for pointing me the original link.


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