Microsoft's iPod Killer Due This Month

Lots of rumors claiming that Microsoft will sneak peek their iPod killer device to the public in the last week of August for an October release. Of course, Apple is supposedly releasing new iPod nanos at their Worldwide Developer Conference in August too.

Though I've seen this called "Project Argo", I have also heard the device called Pyxis, Zune and Alexandria and probably none of those are the actual product name. (Speaking of Microsoft names - does anyone else think it's a bad idea for there to be MS Vista and WebCt Vista co-existing?)

The killer is supposed to be nano-ish in size and functions but with video, and I've also read that there may be two player models to be released.

There also seems to be a lot of talk of this product being paired with an online music service (to compete with Apple's iPod and iTunes very strong connection) but the only rumor I've heard on that was about a partnering with MTV's which I honestly had never heard of until I read about the new device.

They will have quite an uphill climb to catch up with iTunes and the iPods - but I'm sure they want to make their push for the holiday season. Apple has always had the cool factor on its side (that may have helped President Bush's ratings but having the 60 year old president using one probably didn't increase sales with the student market). But Apple has never has never had the cost factor on its side. Microsoft's players might just do what iRiver and Creative haven't been able to do even though they make good devices at a lower than an iPod price.


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