Open Minds Conference

The K-12 Open Minds Conference is unusual. It's an international event specifically for K-12 educators to make open source and open systems more widely available. It will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 25 - 27. This is their second year.

Open source software and K-12 schools are a good mix not only because of the economic advantages, but because of its flexibility. Open source software can be used in the classroom and also offered to students for their use at home.

The non-profit running the event is NCOSE, the National Center for Open Source and Education.

Featured Speakers:
  • Donna Benjamin - Executive Director of Creative Contingencies and board member of Open Source Industry Australia
  • Alex Inman - Director of Technology at Whitfield School, St. Louis, MO - an Essential School using open source
  • Chris Lehman - Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA
  • Dr. David Thornburg - Director of Global Operations for the Thornburg Center
Want to put in a proposal to present? Speaking proposals are due by end of day Friday, August 15.  A panel of educators and technical staff will review your proposal and notifications will be emailed by August 25.  Proposals should focus on open-source software, tools, curriculum, and support mechanisms that can be used in a K12 education environment using or considering using open source. 


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