Disneyworld Plus Google Earth

3D view in Google Earth

This even made the mainstream news this past week - you can now explore all of Walt Disney World Resort in 3D in Disney's Google Earth tour. (The link will open a Disney page with information on downloading Google Earth and accessing the 3D map.)

Magic Kingdom in the realistic but less magical Google Earth view.
There are Google Earth 3D views of all four theme parks and the Disney Resort hotels.

You can zoom down Main Street, head over to Epcot, the Hollywood Studios and the Animal Kingdom.

Personally, my favorite part of Google Earth and Second Life has always been flying. Here I may have to substitute the Superman fantasy for Tinkerbelle style buzzing the Cinderella Castle.

For Disney, it's a great tourist promo. It's an interesting way to plan a Disney vacation with a walk through. It includes attraction descriptions, videos and photos, and links to menus, event calendars, and tickets.

What college will be the first to do this with their campus in Google Earth?

On the tech side, this 3D representation conatins 1,500 3D models and is the most detailed 3D rendering undertaken on Google Earth to date.


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