Blackboard In Bollywood

Since I follow the story of Blackboard and its patent controversy, and open source LMS options, it was inevitable that someone (Thanks, Alex!) would send me a link to these videos. It's a series of nine funny video mashups on all that. They take clips from Bollywood films and add subtitles about Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai and others.

At least watch the first two quick segments on Paying The Annual Licensing Fee and Dealing with Customers Who Are Looking at Open Source Alternatives.

Of course I had to play for a few minutes with the service they used to create them. It's an online tool called BombayTV. It gives you an archive of short clips and ypu just type in the subtitles you want for each section. It takes about 2 minutes to do (see below) though you can get a bit more careful about timing your subtitles to match the original diaogue and it will be better (see links above). Here's a quick shot I took at using it:


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