Edustyle - PCCC Style

I wasn't even aware until this week that my very own Passaic County Community College had been nominated in this year's eduStyle Higher-ed Web Awards. It's "people's choice" voting and you can help recognize the best of the higher-ed web by voting.

The eduStyle site is a good way to get a look at a lot of very well-designed college websites and features. Very useful if you're considering a redesign yourself.

We are in the category for "Best Sub-site" which covers those sites that colleges use for special promotions or to drive a special audience to the main site or a program. Ours is called "Passaic County Community College - 100 Reasons" and it has one hundred reasons from serious to rather whimsical to consider the college. It has a nice Flash banner that goes through a half dozen reasons at the top and then many other reasons - people, programs, activities - some with links to interest prospective students.

You can give us a vote at or just take a look at the PCCC - 100 Reasons site if you're tired of the election process due to the Democratic primaries dragging on...


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